Anytime, anywhere, during the workday, the night before a big day at work, you name it. Welcome to the Modern Vet at your Fingertips. Life happens, your team is only seconds from Vet Care.
The power of AI, breed databases and real vet services
Have a more productive workforce because their employer cares about their pets & provides peace of mind when issues arise, fast.
Provide vet care for entire pet family
for as low as $4/month
Give your pet parents access to affordable pet care when they need it most.
On-demand access, save on avg $200 in exam fees per virtual visit
Easy employer benefit for pet household love and care, with no cost to your employees.
Available 24/7, covers up all pets in the home. Unlimited veterinarian access.
Connect via video or chat
Access to licensed veterinarians, AI triage, and data driven healthcare.
For companies of 500 employees or less.
For companies larger than 1,000 employees.